Fretboard Journal 47: What’s Inside






“… eventually I went to do a benefit in Minneapolis and a guy named James Olson got a guitar into my hotel room, and as soon as I played it, I’ve never looked back.” -James Taylor, FJ #47

Say hello to Issue 47 of the Fretboard Journal, another cover to cover journey into the world of the finest creators and artists in our little fretted world. This issue travels from the sheltered waters of Narragansett Bay with James Taylor to far reaches of the Cuba with Flip Scipio, covering unexpected pandemic projects from guitarist-turned-artist Mason Stoops and the socially distant grocery shopping strategies of Chuck Prophet. We’ve got the wild memories of luthier David Wren, tributes to lost heroes Tony Rice and Eddie Van Halen, the story of a stunning collaboration between Ben Harper and John Monteleone plus all the much, much more you’ve come to expect from us…

Once again, our 47th issue features 128 pages of the stunning photography and clean layouts that are the Fretboard Journal‘s trademark. You can subscribe to our reader-supported magazine in keepsake print form or as a new digital subscription.


Because I was on the road, my friend said, ‘Well, I got 300 bucks. I’ll go down there to meet him.’ And his wife said, ‘No, you can’t go there. You’re going to get rolled.’ And he said, ‘I’ll bring this Bible with me. Nobody’s ever going to roll a guy with a Bible.’” — Chuck Prophet, on the recovery of his iconic Squier Telecaster

Contributor Mark Finkelpearl shares a look into the world of vagabond troubadour and hotshot Tele-slinger Chuck Prophet.



“I think I could’ve pushed John to do a Weissenborn or a D’Angelico replica, but what was most important to me was attaining that cross-pollination of archtop and flattop. That’s what I wanted and he nailed it.” — Ben Harper

Jason Verlinde talks with Ben Harper and John Monteleone about the amazing instrument behind Harper’s Winter Is For Lovers.


“I’m not the most self-aware guy on the planet, but even I had a sense that this interaction could be the difference between my asking ‘Would you like a flight case with that guitar?’ or ‘Would you like fries with that burger?’ for the foreseeable future. I finally somehow forced myself to walk across the street and knock.” — David Wren on approaching Jean Larivée

David Wren shares some stories, boy howdy…


“It had all of that giant big bass, but it also had a very singing, lyrical, sustaining treble that matched the bass. In my expe- rience, sometimes the old D -28s are kind of woofy and a little airy and bass heavy.” — Mark Tossman

Jason Verlinde on the discovery and restoration of an ultra-rare, one-owner 1934 Martin D-28.


“He has as much of an understanding of the guitar, in my opinion, as George Van Eps. When I look at his hands, they look like Van Eps’s hands.” – John Pizzarelli on James Taylor

Contributing Editor Brian K. Saunders spoke with American icon James Taylor for our cover story.

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