Podcast 466: Mikkel Ploug

We just premiered Mikkel Ploug’s beautiful arrangement of Bach’s Art of the Fugue for guitar on our YouTube channel. Today, we hear all about it!

Ploug talks to us about how he turned to a Gibson ES-330 and an Estey-era Magnatone M-14 for this recording, his arrangement process on the Bach piece, and so much more. We talk gear, European jazz, and the experience of commissioning a guitar-themed piece from composer Bent Sørensen.


Follow Mikkel here: https://www.instagram.com/plougmikkel/


We’re throwing a guitar festival this August in Chicago. Read ‘A First Timer’s Guide to the Fretboard Summit’:  https://www.fretboardjournal.com/columns/a-first-timers-guide-to-the-fretboard-summit/

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This week’s show is sponsored by:
StewMac: https://stewmac.sjv.io/R5jvRR (Affiliate link)

Stringjoy Strings: https://stringjoy.com (Use the code FRETBOARD to save 10% off your first order)

Mike & Mike’s Guitar Bar: https://mmguitarbar.com

Peghead Nation: https://www.pegheadnation.com (Get your first month free or $20 off any annual subscription with the promo code FRETBOARD at checkout).

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