Podcast 81: Dana Bourgeois on Torrefied Guitar Woods

Call it whatever you like: torrefaction, thermo-cured, roasted or baked. Fact of the matter is that acoustic guitar companies are flocking to a process where woods are put in a specialized, oxygen-free kiln and essentially cooked, resulting in a stiffer, drier end product (not unlike the woods found in a 60 or 70 year old guitar).

On this week’s podcast, we talk to Dana Bourgeois of Bourgeois Guitars about this procedure, which has roots in the flooring and decking industry but is now being embraced by guitar builders (including Taylor, Martin, Collings, Santa Cruz, Huss & Dalton and many others). Dana describes how Music Man was one of the first musical instrument companies to employ the process (for electric guitar necks) and why so many luthiers are excited by the end result. He also explains why certain woods, such as Brazilian rosewood, aren’t good candidates for the procedure. It’s a 30 minute talk about one of the more unique innovations to hit the acoustic (and electric) guitar world.