Podcast 405: Michael James Adams and a Recap of March 2023 Guitar News

The always-entertaining guitar tech/writer/historian/musician Michael James Adams (@puisheen) joins Jason this week to talk about life updates, offset Fenders, the proper setup of a Jazzmaster setup and so much more. In a new feature, Mike and Jason then recap some of the memorable guitar news of the month of March 2023, including some cool guitar-centric events, the new EMG pickups for Jazzmasters (the EMG Retro Active JMaster), Taylor Guitars selling direct, the JHS Show / Digitech Bad Monkey saga, the passings of some great guitar heroes, and a lot more.

Want to meet Mike, Josh Scott, Bill Frisell, and dozens of other guitar luminaries? Come to our 2023 Fretboard Summit August 24-26, 2023 at Chicago’s Old Town School of Folk Music. Register here: https://fretboardsummit.org/

Our podcast is sponsored by Retrofret Vintage Guitars; Deering Banjos; Peghead Nation (use the promo code FRETBOARD and get your first month free or $20 off any annual subscription); Izotope (use the coupon code FRET10 to save 10% off their plug-ins); and Stringjoy Strings.

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