#FJFest: Jon Rauhouse – “Ottoman”

For over 20 years, musician Jon Rauhouse has been a fixture in Neko Case’s band, backing her on guitar, pedal steel, lap steel, and banjo. (He’s also played with Billy Bob Thornton and The Boxmasters, the Waco Brothers, Calexico, John Doe and numerous others). Jon has also been a close part of the Fretboard Journal family since its inception 15 years ago: He’s performed at our headquarters, he lent us the opening music for our Fretboard Journal Podcast, and he’s even penned a story for our magazine (he interviewed his music hero, the late, great steel guitar master Bud Isaacs, for us).

Given all that, it was a given that we’d invite him to contribute to #FJFest. Jon didn’t disappoint. He’s playing “Ottoman” on his custom Stratton Ajo archtop, built by Stephen Stratton of Tucson, Arizona. The guitar features pickups wound by another member of the FJ’s extended family, Erick Coleman (@toneschaser on Instagram).

Follow Jon here: https://www.jonrauhouse.com

Stratton Guitars: http://www.strattonguitars.com

#FJFest is the Fretboard Journal‘s way of staying connected during these difficult times: Expect to see never-before-seen shop tours from guitarmakers, unique music performances and a ton of beautiful instruments on a daily basis throughout March 2020 and beyond.

These are tough times for many of us and the Fretboard Journal could use your support: Get a digital subscription to the FJ for just $30 and we’ll send you our two most recent issues immediately as PDFs, on the house. We promise it’ll bring a little joy to your self-isolation.