The Truth About Vintage Amps, Ep. 51

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Once again, Skip Simmons is fielding guitar amp questions from around the world.

Some of the topics discussed on this episode:

4:35 Soundmaster PAs, revisited

16:20 Turret boards versus freestyle wiring

21:24 Adjectives for the tones of tweed-era Deluxe and 4×12″ Bassman

27:37 Matching a 16 ohm speaker to a 4 ohm amp output with a transformer

31:20 A schematic, but no layout

33:33 Power tubes in series (Milkman amps)

35:54 A Gibson GA-15 that rattles its tubes out

40:54 Silvertone 101

45:50 Advice on a 1966 Silvertone 1484 Twin Twelve: Watts, speakers, tips

52:26 A Silvertone 1474 and desoldering components from terminal strips

1:05:50 Using Telefunken EAM86 indicator tubes in an amp application

Special thanks to Derek Taylor for the intermission music.

Have a question or topic for a future episode? Submit it to Skip here: or leave us a voicemail or text at 509-557-0848.

This episode is brought to you by Grez Guitars and Amplified Parts.

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Want to see all the former topics discussed on the TAVA Podcast? Click here for all the show notes on one page.

Photo above: Listener Joey’s Silvertone Twin Twelve.