Podcast 281: Richard Hoover (Santa Cruz Guitar Co.)

This week’s podcast is about a lot more than guitars: In the midst of a global pandemic, Richard Hoover, founder of the Santa Cruz Guitar Co., joins us for a candid conversation about running a successful small business, innovations in lutherie, his “bank of goodwill,” being open-source, and so much more. We hear about his childhood growing up in California’s San Joaquin Valley, the influence of the Whole Earth Catalog, the perils of dulcimer building, the serendipitous path that led him to guitarmaking, and even the books Richard is currently reading. He also offers us all a “logic array” that may help you re-frame your thinking through these challenging times.

Note: There is unfortunately some Skype latency around the 49 minute mark. It only lasts a minute but we decided to leave it in to keep this conversation intact.

Other Santa Cruz Guitar Co. content from the FJ that you may enjoy:

Photo above by Kevin Kinnear, taken at the 2018 NAMM Show. This episode is sponsored by Retrofret Vintage Guitars and Mono Cases.

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