Podcast 164: Chris Young of Union Tube & Transistor

Our guest on today’s Fretboard Journal Podcast is Chris Young, founder of Union Tube & Transistor. Chris walks us through Union’s history, his pedal lineup and his collaboration with Jack White, the ill-fated day he gave Tom Waits a pedal and more. We also hear about Union’s new optical compressor pedal, the Lab, which was inspired by Universal Audio’s rack-mounted LA-2A, LA-3 and LA-4.

While Chris was in Seattle, we also took him to Johnny Sangster’s Crackle & Pop studio to do a quick video demo. Watch the video below to hear the Lab in action.

This week’s podcast is sponsored by Retrofret Vintage Guitars and Adam Levy’s new Guitar Tips Pro, where you can get great professional video lessons for as little as $5 a month.

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