Catch of the Day: 1966 Martin GT-75

1966 Martin GT-75

Yesterday’s Catch was a red 1966 Martin GT-70, a fairly rare thinline hollow body. So image my surprise when I discovered that there is a red 1966 Martin GT-75, its sister model, also for sale right now from another seller. (Click here to read about the history of both models.) Of the two models, the double cutaway GT-75 is slighly more common, but both are hard to come by. As with yesterday’s Catch, this guitar has the optional Bigsby vibrato unit and a pair DeArmond pickups, but it is missing its original white pickguard. The auction for this guitar ends on March 21 and it has an opening bid of $1395. Will someone buy the pair? We’ll know in a few days.

Click here for the original listing.

UPDATE: THis guitar sold on MArch 2, 2014 for $1546.

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