The Truth About Vintage Amps, Ep. 49

Once again, Skip Simmons is fielding guitar amp questions from around the world.

Some of the topics discussed on this episode:

3:32 A brief moment of despair
10:34 Our new Patreon page: Hear Skip’s actual voice!
21:30 Colin Cripps’ Filmosound, revisited
25:15 Skip’s chassis stand
30:37 Changing the linear taper volume pot on an early ’80s Princeton Reverb
34:53 Putting a guitar input into the pre-amp of a Hammond L-100 organ
40:33 Salvaging tubes from a free Lowry organ
43:40 The 5F10 Fender Harvard
47:17 “Peekofarad” or “pykofarad”
48:35 The light-dependent resistor on a Gibson GA20-RVT tremolo
52:30 Replacing the 6CA7/EL34 power tubes with new old stock Sylvania/RCA or brand new Electro-Harmonix
57:40 Bass cut on a Tweed Deluxe clone
1:02:20 Vibro Champ tremolo revisited
1:06:17 Boutique parts & homemade ramen
1:17:32 Patton fans

Have a question or topic for a future episode? Submit it to Skip here: or leave us a voicemail or text at 509-557-0848.

This episode is brought to you by Grez Guitars and Amplified Parts.

Love the show? Support the Truth About Vintage Amps through our brand new Patreon page.

Want to see all the former topics discussed on the TAVA Podcast? Click here for all the show notes on one page.

Photo above: Another scene from Skip’s shop courtesy of Chris Harvey.