Twice a month, guitar amp guru Skip Simmons fields your questions on tube amp buying, restoration and repair. Co-hosted by the Fretboard Journal’s Jason Verlinde.
Submit your guitar amp questions to Skip here: or, better yet, leave us a voicemail at 509-557-0848. Include a photo of your amp if you can.
Some of the topics discussed on this episode:
1:57 Skip’s A/B box update
2:50 Skip’s music picks: Curtis Mayfield!, Larry Norman!, Stryper!
10:11 Skip’s video pick: Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer performing Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song”
12:00 TAVA shirt updates
12:22 Skip’s amp packing recommendations
14:05 Jason asks all the dumb Champ build questions you’re scared to ask
32:33 A higher-powered single-ended amp recommendation (a contemporary Supro Comet)
39:36 The 18-watt WEM Dominator V and a plug for David Minter’s Marshall and UK Made Pre Owned Amplifiers Facebook group
45:22 The amps built inside Fender Rhodes
48:12 “Blackfacing” a 1975 Fender Bassman
51:03 A unique 5F1 build and a question about speakers with whizzer cones
58:59 A Model 21 National-Dobro-made amp-in-case
1:02:54 Cloning the DeArmond R5 amp
1:08:52 Oddball European tube amps
1:11:34 The pros and cons of FX loops
1:17:38 The sonic differences between octal and 9-pin pre-amp tubes
1:25:03 Does a 2×12 speaker need a baffle
1:29:48 Uncle Doug videos
1:31:17 Harmonic tremolo
1:34:48 The rare Fender Vibroverb
1:46:20 A terminal board rattle
Thanks to listener Zach in Seattle for the image of his Supro Comet 1610RT above.
Special thanks to the presenting sponsors of the Fretboard Journal: Gibson, Martin and Carter Vintage Guitars.
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