Podcast 76: Sinasoid and the Custom Shop Cable Builder

For our 76th podcast, we head north to Lynnwood, Washington to visit with Sinasoid Stage & Studio. Sinasoid’s Andy Kim and Jonathan Suhr are two musicians who have created a whole new way to purchase guitar cables with their Custom Shop Cable Builder. The recently-launched site allows customers to select from several different guitar cable offerings, pick an exact cable length and choose from a variety of input and output plugs. Sinasoid then makes the cable for you in-house and ships it to your door. As if that wasn’t enough, they’re guaranteeing each cable for life.

As Kim and Suhr explain, not all guitar cables are created equal and no single guitar cable excels in every capacity. In addition to cables, Sinasoid also sells microphones, mixers and a handful of in-demand pedals, including the Klon KTR.

To learn more about Sinasoid’s Custom Shop Cable Builder, go here.