Song Premiere: Jim Kweskin & Geoff Muldaur – “Fishing Blues”

On Friday, September 21, legendary folk artists Jim Kweskin and Geoff Muldaur release their latest album, Penny’s Farm. It’s an understated, but beautiful duo project, the sort of sublime chemistry that only happens when two great acoustic musicians have played together for a half a century.

We’re proud to premiere “Fishing Blues” from Penny’s Farm on We hope you enjoy it.

On this song, we assumed, correctly, that Muldaur was using one of his Martin 00-18H signature model guitars. But what about Kweskin? We decided to turn to the source.

“I have an old Martin D-18 that I bought new in 1959 for $200 with a hard case when I was 19 years old,” Kweskin tells us. “I wanted a D-28 but I couldn’t afford the $300. That tuned out to be a lucky thing because it turns out that I have discovered over the years that I prefer the D-18. I played it on all Jug Band gigs and records and subsequent solo gigs and records until it needed some serious work. Martin kindly sold me a new one [around 2003] at a good price. Frankly, this new one is about as good as my old one. I have tried many, many guitars and the Martin D-18 is the one that sounds the best for my kind of playing. It’s mellow, has a crisp sound but not brittle. The bass is deep and midrange strong. It is perfect for three-finger picking.”

Order Penny’s Farm via Amazon.