Catch of the Day: 1966 Vox Bulldog

1963 Vox Bulldog

The other day I wrote about a very nice 1963 Fender Strat, so today I thought I’d take a look at one of the many guitars that the Strat inspired. Vox was an English company that got their start making amps in the late 1950s but they soon expanded into the guitar making business. Their first guitars were made in the UK but by 1966, the year this Bulldog was made, they were having their guitars made in Italy by EKO. Even though it has a different headstock shape than Fender’s and the slanted pickup is in the neck rather than the bridge position, the body shape and general vibe scream Strat. For a long time guitars like this were derided as pale imitations but in the last few years players have come to realize that guitars like this are well-made and have a sound all their own. And they usually sell for quite a bit less than Fenders. This Bulldog, for example, is hanging on the wall at Retrofret but it can be yours for a mere $1350. That’s a great deal for someone looking for cool vintage guitar.