Fretboard Films: A Trip to Romero Banjos

In the tiny town of Horsefly, British Columbia, Jason and Pharis Romero create some of the most unique fretted instruments available today. J. Romero Custom Banjos pay homage to early old-time open-back banjos but with thoroughly modern improvements. They are also, quite simply, works of art.

The Fretboard Journal’s Matt Miles travelled to Horsefly to interview the Romeros about their unique creations. Jason describes his early days in banjo building working for Wildwood Banjos, his decision to start his own company and the work that goes into each instrument

In addition to crafting 4-5 banjos a month, the Romeros are touring musicians. All the music used in this documentary is by the duo.

To learn more about Romero Banjos, visit their website here.