Luthier on Luthier: Mark Stutman (Folkway Music)

Mark Stutman is renowned for vintage guitar repairs and is also the owner of Canada’s Folkway Music in Waterloo, Ontario.

For episode 95 of the podcast, Mark goes into the history of his repair career and how it all started with the search for a good left-handed guitar. Mark also shares with us some of the unique challenges of working on vintage Gibsons and so much more.

Luthier on Luthier is hosted by Michael Bashkin of Bashkin Guitars and brought to you by the Fretboard Journal. This episode is sponsored by Dream Guitars and StewMac.

This interview was recorded at the 2024 Fretboard Summit. Our next Fretboard Summit takes place August 21-23, 2025 at Chicago’s Old Town School of Folk Music. Register here.